Are you planning an office move?

Photo of a woman sitting on the floor with a laptop computer surrounded by moving boxesr

Now that some companies have gone back to the office, they’re realizing that they’d rather be in a different office.

Is your company one of those who are planning an office move?

If so, you’ve probably thought about renovating the new space, and whether your old furniture will fit. You may even have looked into Internet service.

But have you thought about how you’re going to dismantle your network and set it up at the other end?

Who’s going to set up your server room?

How will ensure that your devices won’t get damaged?

Will you need new devices for your new space?

And what about the printers? Won’t someone think about the printers??? 😅

All joking aside, you’ll want to avoid excessive downtime. We can help you plan and execute a successful move for your technology.

Get in touch. Just don’t leave it ’till the week before!

Call (480) 926-6445, or write to [email protected].


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