How to Protect Your Business from the Threat of Ransomware

Managed IT Support, Erie, PA

It is nearly impossible for businesses to keep up with evolving cybersecurity threats on their own. These threats can attack companies in multiple ways, one of which is ransomware. To ensure your business is protected and is able to survive and thrive if a cyberattack does occur, having the proper defenses and the right team in place is essential.

Many people believe ransomware only affects large businesses, however, twenty percent of all ransomware victims are small to medium-sized businesses. The good news is, ninety percent of ransomware attacks are preventable. Here are some tips on how to ensure your business is safe from attack.

Backup Data

Having a robust data backup that you can restore from is critical to ensure that your information is not lost. The key is to have at least one backup copy store off-site and/or in the cloud. This can help you avoid having to pay to get your information back, since you can restore from a copy that is untouched by the ransomware encryption.

Implement a Recovery Plan

After backing up your data, you need to be sure that the information was correctly backed up by executing recovery tests. If your data is backed up properly, and you have a recovery plan in place, you can restore data from a backup in a non-infected location even after an attack.

Strengthen Network Security

There are technologies that will ensure that your network is protected. Firewalls, smart remote desktop protocols, and multi-factor authentication can extend security to your systems and devices.

Deploy Security Patches and Software Updates

Always be sure that your machines and operating systems are up-to-date with the most recent patches and software versions. This is something we can automate for you to save you time.

Educate Your Employees

Ransomware targets the person using the computer, usually with a spoofed email. It is vital to educate your staff about how to recognize suspicious emails so that they do not click or download anything that could be malware related.

Strong, Unique Passwords

Strong passwords are crucial because hackers can use automated processes to crack passwords to gain access to your data. Using strong and unique passwords varied across each account will minimize the likelihood of it being hacked.

Strong Security Monitoring

While we know that you cannot monitor your systems 24/7, we can. We use proactive tools to monitor your company’s network 24/7. It provides real-time analysis of your network and can identify a threat when it is in progress to stop it in its tracks and reduce the damage to your business.

Work with a Trusted IT Partner

Work with a Trusted IT Partner to deploy the right technologies that take a multi-layered approach to security. Having a team of experts you can count on to help keep your business is safe will give you peace of mind.

At CMIT Solutions, we are dedicated to providing cybersecurity support,  protection, and education to our clients. We use a multi-layered approach to combating the cybersecurity threats that target every business.

Contact us for a free consultation to learn how to protect your business from the threat of attack.

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