Using OneDrive to Manage Data Sharing

Data sharing is critical in today’s business world. Projects are no longer the responsibility of a single person, and input from outside sources is valuable and often necessary. Microsoft OneDrive is a major tool for streamlining the data sharing process, protecting your data while getting it instantly into the hands of those who need it.

Document Version Control

Microsoft OneDrive keeps track of all changes to a document. Make a mistake? Simply roll back to an earlier version. There’s no longer a need to keep saving different versions of files, ending up with a folders listing filenames such as filename2, filename3, filename-final, filename-final2, etc. Microsoft OneDrive also keeps people from accidentally working from an older file.

Older versions of files also take up disk space, doubly so if multiple people are downloading the same files and keeping them on their computers. OneDrive is a cloud-based service offering large amounts of storage at a very modest price, and it removes the need for everyone to have their own copies.

No More Email Attachments

Previously, file sharing often meant emailing relevant files to their recipient. That’s fine if the file in question is a small document, but not so much if it’s a 50 MB Photoshop file, spreadsheet, or database. With OneDrive, everyone can be given permission to add, change and subtract files from a central source. There’s no reason to transmit the files through email.

File Access Control

Sometimes, you need colleagues to see your files but not make changes to them. OneDrive makes this easy. No one has access to your data until they are given permission, and that access comes in different forms. You can, for example, allow people to view data but not make changes to it. That way they can reference it for their own work while not interfering with yours.

OneDrive for Business also provides levels of security above and beyond what the basic OneDrive service offers, making it much more difficult for intruders to get hold of your data.

Data sharing is a fundamental part of the business world today. It greatly expedites tasks, but it can also expose your data to significant dangers. Microsoft OneDrive makes data sharing smarter, easier and safer, helping keep your business on track.

For more information on using OneDrive to make your business more efficient, contact CMIT Solutions of Stamford online, or call 203-595-9091 today.

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