Cloud Migration Isn’t as Scary as You Thought

Reluctant to make the jump to the Cloud? Don’t be.

It might sound like a nice idea in theory, but how secure is cloud migration really? How confident can you be that your data will be safe, that production won’t suffer, and that you’ll be able to connect with who you need when you need to? Rest assured, you can be plenty confident. Cloud migration might seem like an arduous task, and it can be without clear direction and an experienced provider; but with a capable provider by your side, it’s not nearly as difficult as you’re probably envisioning. Having a clear cloud migration strategy is critical—without one, your move might be more fraught than you envisioned. Fortunately, we’ve seen it all at CMIT. We know exactly what you need to account for when it comes to migrating your data to the cloud.

We’ve outlined some key benefits of cloud migration services below so that you know exactly what you’re getting when you decide you want to make the transition.

Faster Deployment Times

Migrating to the cloud means you should be able to deploy your apps and services more quickly. Many services provide the ability for you to quickly provision servers and other resources, simplifying the process categorically relative to installing physical servers, the requisite operating system, and deploying it in a data center.

Enhanced Security

It’s easy to assume that the security solution generally available with the cloud is flimsy—after all, it’s hard to visualize where your data is going to be if you can’t see it. But leading cloud providers offer real-time solutions to security issues that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to repel. They provide automatic security updates to keep you from remaining vulnerable against hackers and other cybersecurity threats. There are varying levels of safety for public clouds, private clouds, and hybrid cloud environments, but they’re all secure and can be scaled to meet your needs.

Automatic backup

One of the most critical benefits of cloud migration services is how much easier disaster recovery is when compared to that on physical servers. If you’re relying on an in-house solution for your backup, what happens if your network takes a hit? A move to the cloud can mitigate your issues with data backup and disaster recovery.

Increased flexibility

Whether you’re planning on expanding your team, moving to a new location, or working remotely, cloud computing is the perfect choice. Remaining stagnant might make sense for a little while, but it’s only a matter of time before a new direction starts to look more and more appealing. Cloud infrastructures can actively foster and improve your chances of a smooth transition; your team won’t have to be at one specific location to deploy, update, or fix issues.


It might be a more expensive upfront cost, but cloud migration is an excellent solution for companies looking to save money long-term. There’s less hardware to install, less security to monitor (for you), and more time and money to devote towards your day-to-day operations.

Trust CMIT Solutions of Tampa to help ensure your data is migrated to the cloud effectively and securely with our trained staff. We are here to help answer any questions you may have with all of your Cloud Migration services. Contact us today for any questions or to get started!

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