Unified Communications: Fostering Digital Transformation In A Tech Era

What would happen if we suddenly lost all the technology we have at our disposal? Seems unimaginable. Now, imagine a situation where we lose all our means of communication. You probably think that we’d all go back to the stone age, which is quite true.

In today’s scenario, life without both technology and communication is unthinkable. And communication is the beating pulse that powers modern technology. More precisely, Unified Communication plays an instrumental role in helping organizations progress forward. As companies embark on a mission to make a full digital transformation, they require Unified Communications (UC) solutions to make things work.

UCaaS: Under The Digital Spotlight

UCaaS or Unified Communications as a Service is an industry that’s rapidly growing with a host of innovative features mushrooming every other day. With UCaaS, organizations can support globally distributed teams, establish real-time communication channels and enhance their digital capabilities.

Does that mean our current technology is not good enough or ‘state-of-the-art’ as we all imagine it to be? Research-based evidence collected by Austin-based Zoho reveals that many North-American businesses find their technology systems inadequate. This revelation simply means this: Technology is the key to sustaining a digitally empowered workplace, but unified communication is the pulsing heart.

The Zoho-sponsored survey conducted among 500 staff members from various organizations across the USA also revealed other facts that highlight the need for UC:

  • Only 10% of the workforce could completely understand the connection between their organization and customers without referring to various systems.
  • 37% of enterprise employees found their technology infrastructure did not support effective communication in a remote working environment.
  • 40% feel that working with multiple technology platforms makes their work chaotic.

This data clearly leads to one conclusion: If companies want to improve their performance, they should begin with the technology systems that support their primary business processes. Companies are also beginning to look for more integrated solutions to streamline their operations. Here’s where UCaaS comes into the picture, especially at a time where company-client relationships have become particularly fragile with the pandemic.

What drives the necessity for a UC solution to implement digital transformation strategies?

  • Streamlined communication flow

With remote working being the norm, employees are diving in and out of conference calls through an unreliable tangle of applications. This communication chaos is causing a disconnect among team members.

  • Connected work environment

Your workplace is now more agile, flexible, collaborative, and more “digitally-enhanced.” Modern organizations with a globally distributed, mobile-first workforce rely on UC solutions to streamline their communications.

  • Integrated point of access

UC seamless integrates all your communication channels into a single point of access. This gives your employees the great convenience of accessing the same communication system on multiple devices with multiple tools.

  • Multiple communication features

UC solutions combine VoIP with other collaborative capabilities like video conferencing and text messaging to create scalable communication strategies for businesses of any size.

  • Groundbreaking tech features

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-based UCaaS solutions enable intelligent call routing and analyze caller sentiments based on voice tone. Organizations can cut costs and streamline operations with these latest breakthroughs in communications technology.

UCaaS is now considered the fundamental element for digital transformation. Corroborating this fact is a recent study by Nemertes Research. This study reveals that almost all successful companies are already increasing their investments on UC solutions. In case you are still wondering why, the next chapter of our article should clarify your doubts.

What Does UC Mean For Digital Transformation In Businesses?

  • UC enables consistent customer experience

There is no point in providing digital tech solutions if your workforce can’t communicate seamlessly whenever and wherever they want to. Without a reliable UC platform, there’s no guarantee that all your communication applications will work perfectly. And with broken communication, you cannot expect the desired results. That’s why companies need to invest in UC.

You should also remember that customer experience (CX) is at the heart of UC, which in turn is at the heart of digital transformation. It is an inevitable cycle that governs your success and gives you positive moments of truth. Therefore, providing your workforce with the right communication platform will help you harness their productivity through effective collaboration.

  • UC optimizes collaboration

Digital transformation is all about finding new ways to run your business with faster, better, and more cost-effective options. For your workforce, this entails creating better communication channels like messaging, video conferencing, screen sharing, and real-time chats. UC solutions create these channels that allow your workforce to reach and be reached. This seamless communication is what they require to be more efficient and productive.

  • UC eliminates communication issues.

UC integrates all the tools used for communication and collaboration and opens up simpler, more engaging communication channels. These communication channels are completely free of all the pain points that impede your workflow. With UC, document-sharing, editing, and tracking are glitch-free and seamless. UC also provides easy access to vital tools that keep your workforce productive.

When you invest in UC solutions, you can see the results for yourself. Your workforce participates in productive meetings and completes tasks on time irrespective of where they are working from.

Unlocking The Value Of Better Communication With UC Solutions

Digital transformation enabled with Unified Communications is like the Midas Touch. It is an initiative that enables all you desire for your organization- Better productivity, efficiency, collaboration, and flexibility.

Besides, UC-enabled digital transformation is the basis of every modern workplace. It is the modern-day solution to sealing the communication gap between your workforce, clients, and stakeholders.

To ensure you are on the right path to digital transformation with UC-specific solutions, you need the help of experts in this field. At CMIT Solutions, Tempe, we are seasoned IT infrastructure providers who can ensure your digital transformation pays the dividends you expect. Have queries about UC solutions? Let’s talk!

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