Why a cyber security approach to protect your company matters?

Cyber Security is vital for any business. The Alternative Investment sector is especially vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Recent reports show that the number of attacks on the financial market surged 200% in 2020, mostly because it handles a lot of sensitive information and large amounts of capital.

Cyber security has always been and will continue to be our focus. We use the latest technology to keep your business safe while continually working on staying up-to-date with trends in cyber security.

Why is multi-factor authentication important in a world where cyber security threats can occur?

Passwords often do not provide ample security for online platforms as many password creators choose passwords that are easy to remember; making them easier to break. Once someone has your password, they gain access to whatever you have access to.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) protects your digital assets, and is especially important if you have MFA set up for logins. This can be accomplished through two-step verification with an RSA token or, alternatively, with a mobile phone authenticator.

How do our team’s endpoint protections work?

Endpoint Protection is a way to protect your computer against network attacks and malware. Endpoint Protection will keep you up-to-date on the latest threats while scanning your computer and protecting it.

What is email security and how can you do it?

Cyber Security

Suppressing threats and preventing them from reaching the user is as important today as it has been in the past. There are many ways a threat can reach the user, email being one of the first attacks. With a wide variety of vendors to stop email attacks, it is an obvious choice.

How Intrusion Prevention Systems protect and keep your data safe?

When you don’t create a firewall and allow access to your services from the Internet, hackers can find information about targets by looking for patterns in your web activity.

IPS can be installed to block attacks on your application. It monitors the traffic and shuts down any connection that may be malicious.

A new IPS signature and firewall security measures can help prevent such attacks.

The Approaches to Mobile Device Management

Having secure environments is essential for your business and managing mobile devices will ensure you have them.

You can secure your data from a laptop or computer by securing your company devices, and you can secure it on your mobile phone or any other device when commuting or working remotely.

Ensuring devices are safe, secure and encrypted will keep you from any potential threats. If a device is being used in your business it should be secure.

Learn about encryption in Cyber Security

If the data on a company device is not encrypted, it can be accessed without any access. Devices that are lost or stolen risk having their data compromised as well.

Device encryption ensures the data on a device is protected with minimal performance impact by locking the data and making it readable only through providing the right username, password, pin or biometrics.

How vulnerability scanning can be used to ensure your data is safe?

An AI configured vulnerability scanner can help identify missing or insecure device configurations, verify if patches are installed properly, identify weaknesses in the devices and produce a report that prioritizes action points based on severity and risk.

How monitoring the dark web prevents cyber security threats?

Cyber Security

If your company uses the credentials of leaked user data on the Dark Web, it puts you at risk for a data breach.

Leaving monitoring to third party services will protect your website against pests and other threats. These providers provide real-time monitoring, monthly reports of breaches, and full protection without any work on your end.

We can stay up-to-date with website security breaches by being notified as soon as a new site is hacked.

How to Spot and Defeat Simulated Phishing?

As part of our Dark Web Monitoring program, we are able to provide simulated phishing campaigns to our clients.

We find that awareness courses can heighten awareness of end users, but in the fast paced environment they usually don’t keep your knowledge up to date.

With the ability to use simulated phishing emails in a sophisticated way and be able to report on the engagement and action of end users, it is easier to keep focus on security in order to remediate any issues.

Data Leak Prevention in Cyber Security

Sensitive information should not be shared with anyone else because it could lead to ID theft and fraud.

To ensure your data is secure, you can install a security agent to scan outgoing data and notify compliance teams or administrators if it discovers an unintentional leak.

What Web Filtering is And Why You Need It?

The typical way to block unwanted content or productivity inhibitors involves the blocking of web surfing. Web filters can also prevent security risks, such as data leaks and malicious websites.

To find out more and how we can help you in cyber security contact us today.

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