3 Points On How To Control Your Risk Of A Cyber Attack

You probably know that one in five small businesses in any given year will be subject to a cyber-attack. You may also know, or maybe be surprised that 81% of all cyber-attacks target small businesses, but did you know that 97% of cyber-attacks are preventable? Hi, I’m Steve Conyers with CMIT Solutions where we provide cybersecurity and IT services to businesses and nonprofits. Today I’d like to mention three of our top 15, most important ways to control the risk of being attacked, having a cybersecurity attack. I’ll have the other 12 in other videos. So for today, number one is a cybersecurity assessment. What is that? A cybersecurity assessment is a structured way of looking your business and all aspects of your business technology, and non-technology to see what your risks are for a cyber-attack.

And that can be, as you know, all the things that you do for your computers, as well as where your computers are stationed and how your employees  are trained. The second thing is cyber awareness, which I alluded to in the first part. And that’s basically training your staff and yourselves to be aware of how cyber threats are presented to your business so that they cannot fall into the trap of  opening the door to a cyber-attacker. The third thing, and it’s very important, is multifactor authentication. We’re used to relying on our passwords as our gateway or lock to prevent people from getting into our networks. But those have easily compromised and frequently people will use easy crack passwords, multifactor authentication allows you to use two pieces of information, your password, and then a code that gets texted to your phone, or through a security app on your phone. And that is much more effective than password only. So today I went over three of the 15 points. I invite you to go to my website or message me on LinkedIn. Look at some of my other videos for the other 12. And again, I’m Steve Conyers with CMIT Solutions, and I hope you have a safe and secure day.

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