Did you know that one in five businesses will be subject to a cyber-attack in any given year? Did you know that more than 80% of those will be small businesses like your business? And also did you know that over 97% of these attacks can be prevented by taking some simple steps? Hi, I’m Steve Conyers with CMIT Solutions where we provide cyber security and IT services to businesses and nonprofits. And today in one of a series of videos on the most you can take on cybersecurity, I’d like to give you three tips. The links to the series and all that information will appear at the end of the video. So you can wait and see that there. The first thing I want to talk about today is firewall. You may have heard the term firewall and not know what it means, but basically it’s the device that protects you from communications from the internet, unwanted communications.
So you might have one from your cable provider, but if you’re running a small business you should have a business class firewall with the proper settings to keep out unwanted communications from the internet. And that leads me to the second point on top of that. You should have a web gateway security on top of that firewall and what that does is it screens against known bad actors on the internet so they won’t be able to even get to your firewall and try to send you messages, and you can also control what kind of content that you and your employees can see such as gambling sites or pornography or unsuitable for work kind of things which are loaded with ransomware. But most one of the most important things is the third one, which is mobile device management.
And nowadays most of us in interact with the internet through our phones or our laptops or iPads and things like that. And those are really important to secure. You want to make sure they’re encrypted so that if they get left behind somewhere, the keys to the kingdom are not left on that device. So again, if you have an immediate concern about any of these things please contact me directly, my contact information is at the end of this video. And otherwise you can look at that contact information and also see where the rest of the videos in this series and other security concerns can be found. Again, I’m Steve Conyers with CMIT Solutions hoping you have a safe and secure day.