Security Essentials and Tips
Every computer and business is susceptible to data breaches and viruses, so cybersecurity is critical. According to research, 81% of data breaches are caused by weak, reused, or stolen passwords. There are 375 malware threats detected every minute, and security breaches increased 67% between 2014 and 2020. You must have strong cybersecurity and training to ensure that your company is protected.
Cybersecurity Awareness Training
Your employees are your front-line defense of security for your business. Computer users and employees can be either your strongest defense or biggest vulnerability. To ensure your employees have the tools and knowledge they need to keep your business safe, Cyber Security Awareness Training is essential. Security training is an ongoing initiative, as cyber threats are always changing. CMIT Solutions of Erie offers a web-based training solution that has an up-to-date library of cybersecurity-related training topics. The training also includes phishing simulations designed to catch employees in the act of clicking on links they shouldn’t. Once the employee clicks on the link, they are redirected to customized training videos.
Business owners need to work hard at creating a “culture of security.” It’s not just one technology or one initiative; it’s instilling the knowledge of things to look out for and the importance of safe security practices as a cultural element for your business’s team. Security culture includes on-going training and continuous communication about the business risks of cyberthreats.
Password Safety
No matter how unique a password might be, there are hackers out there that are trying to crack it. Since most data breaches are caused by weak, reused, or stolen passwords, this is an area of importance.
1. Password Creation Tips
- Use different passwords for each platform, so if one password is compromised, they aren’t all compromised.
- Secure passwords are important. Simple passwords can be easily cracked by sophisticated software that is in wide use to steal passwords.
- Don’t use an obvious password.
- Don’t use sequential numbers or letters.
- NEVER use the word “password” as your password.
- Use a long sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
- Use a password generator to create a random and secure password.
2. Remembering Passwords
According to statistics, 75% of Americans get frustrated keeping track of passwords. Using a password vault or manager to store all passwords securely is a great way to keep your information safe. Check out LastPass or 1Password.
3. Better Login Methods
No matter what you do for work or where you operate, there is a good chance that a significant part of your day involves signing into various accounts and using multiple devices while keeping track of all those passwords. With single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA), you can simplify the login process, protect your company’s important information, and empower your employees to work securely and efficiently. For more information about these tools, click here.
At CMIT Solutions of Erie, we can help you assess whether SSO makes sense for your business and when MFA is necessary. To schedule a consultation or get more information, contact us.
Robust Data Backup & Recovery
Businesses need a data backup method that can serve as a source of data recovery if they become compromised. Protecting company and customer data is essential. Do so by having a trusted IT provider perform regular, remote, and redundant backups.
Choosing the Right Tools for Your Business
Your business is unique, and your IT solutions should be too. Many factors go into what tools your business needs. The size of your business, your operations, and your needs determine what tools will work best. CMIT Solutions of Erie can help you determine the solutions for you. Please schedule a consultation with one of our qualified professionals to ensure that your business operates safely and productively.