Cybersecurity – Hacking and Data-Breaches in 2019

Cybersecurity must be a top priority of all organizations to protect and safeguard customer and employee information. With stories of data-breached companies constantly appearing on the news, we cannot stress how important it is to have a solid security measure to defend an organization against such hackers. New research on this topic may give your organization an edge going into 2019.

According to a study conducted by Healthcare IT news, the number of data-breaches has reduced considerably since 2017 but there has been rise in high-level data-breaches. These sophisticated data-breaches dubbed as “mega-breaches” are happening across all industries in general but are focused towards industries where private customer information is at a premium like banking and health care.

Data-Breach Trends

Even though the total number of breaches has gone down significantly from 2017, due to the level of sophistication of the breaches now they are still a significant problem. The trend suggests that these breaches and mega-breaches are impacting over millions of records at once. This gives them access to a large amount of sensitive and private data.

Ransomware like SamSam Virus, WannaCry, and other malware campaigns are a big threat to organizations and individuals alike. These have the capacity to cause damage in the millions if not billions so they are not something that can be ignored by organizations. Even after costing such exorbitant amounts, valuable personal data will still remain exposed. All this can mean that such attacks may even put an end to the organization.

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Improvements in Cybersecurity

There are constant improvements in cybersecurity that are being made every day. With these developments improving the robustness of available systems, hackers are constantly finding new ways to exploit the vulnerability and hack these systems.

Due to limited budgets of smaller companies, they are left far more vulnerable than the bigger ones who can afford the best that the industry has to offer. However, it is crucial for smaller companies to prioritize cybersecurity above all else. All organizations must follow cybersecurity protocols no matter their size.

While considering the policies and measures of cybersecurity, we recommend hiring a third party cybersecurity expert to go through your systems and ensure that there are no vulnerabilities that can be exploited by prying hackers. If there are any holes, they will discover them and guide you with the best course of action to patch them. You or your inside team may be extremely knowledgable and skilled at ensuring optimum cybersecurity but it does not hurt to bring in another expert who will have a different perspective. They may find things that may have been overlooked thereby ensuring higher levels of security for your organization.

It has absolutely become mandatory to conduct training sessions for staff on proper security measures to be taken while working. The employees must be made aware of the fact that sharing passwords can cause an immense security risk. Make it a point to change all important passwords on a regular basis.


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