Backup Microsoft 365 Data To Prevent Data Loss

Does your business use Microsoft 365? If so, you are one of the 200 million monthly active users who use the cloud’s production, collaboration, and security tools.

If your business uses Microsoft Office 365, you must avoid unnecessary risks of data loss. What people don’t know is – Microsoft manages the infrastructure; it is your responsibility to back up your Office 365 data, including email, with a powerful third-party backup solution.

Microsoft 365

Reasons to protect your Microsoft Office 365 data

Accidental deletion – After Office 365 unwantedly deletes your information, you will permanently lose it.

Storage policy and confusion: Microsoft only stores data for 90 days, which may not be long enough to meet particular business needs.

Internal security threats: Microsoft has no way of knowing the difference between a regular user and a hacked employee trying to delete sensitive company information before leaving.

External security threats: Malware and germ-like viruses are increasing and can cause severe damage.

Legal and compliance requirements: Regulations vary between industries and countries, but fines, penalties, and legal disputes are three things you have no place in your to-do list.

Managing Shipping and Migration to Office 365: Organizations often need a time window to switch between location and online and email data.

But how are these platforms managed within your organization? And who backs up all that data?

Many people think that platforms like Microsoft 365 provide automatic Backup – but that is not the case. The best way to ensure that your data is secure is through additional planning and retrieval. SaaS Protects Microsoft 365 offers an all-in-one backup, restore, and professional solution that includes Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint, and groups.

Why You Need More Microsoft 365 Backups:

Common SaaS Data Error Ideas

Microsoft advises you to use third-party software to prevent malicious use, malware, malware, malware, and malware harmonization. 1-in-3 companies reported losing data stored in cloud-based systems, and 60% of small firms experienced a massive data loss in six months. Why are the numbers so high? Many businesses operate under pretenses when it comes to SaaS platforms.

Here are some of the most common:

File Sync is a Backup

Although Microsoft OneDrive creates a second copy of files and folders, it should not be used as a backup replacement. File sync services are missing from real SaaS backup solutions because:

Once a file has been deleted, all old versions are also deleted

Major restoration is time-consuming and is a handwritten process

Backup and rescue remains in the hands of your company’s users

SaaS applications are always available

Unfortunately, exits are possible. When businesses fail to access critical business information, revenue and productivity are negatively affected. Having private backups will ensure that you will still access important files when the expiration occurs.

Microsoft is responsible for your Backup

SaaS providers do not take responsibility for retrieving data if you lose it. Microsoft calls this Shared Responsibility Model for data protection, which is why Microsoft recommends backing up a third-party SaaS agreement in its user agreement.

How SaaS Protects Your Microsoft 365 Data

Loss of data and time are two significant issues when accessing Microsoft content. If a user accidentally deletes a sensitive document, Microsoft will not be able to retrieve it. Even if files are within storage time, rescuing them can be more expensive and time-consuming than you might think. A remote backup is needed to give you the peace of mind that your data is being backed up regularly. SaaS protects covers:

  • OneDrive – All files and folders have a file format layout
  • Contacts – All contacts (except photos)
  • Calendar – Events, attachments, and any user-managed calendars
  • Email – All emails, attachments, notes, and folder structure
  • Microsoft Groups – Files, chats, and calendar meetings on Microsoft Team channels
  • Identity –
  • Folder structure
  • Write libraries and sets
  • Top site collections, cultures, group, and team
  • Custom listing of custom sites, site properties, templates, and pages

If you are experiencing hacking attacks within your business and do not have a backup solution, you may not retrieve your content. It might lead to the loss of valuable business data and a lot of money to criminals who do not guarantee that they will return your information.

Although Microsoft 365 makes integration easier, security and management remain a significant challenge. Finding important files is expensive and may take much longer than your business can afford. Even if you lose time or data, the impact will still be significant. Having a security solution can help prevent this.


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