Managing Cloud-Based Security

girl outside at picnic table on laptop

As cyberattackers become more and more sophisticated in their attempts, companies are rushing to find the best courses of action for data protection. One significant shift in data storage methods is from in-house servers to cloud-based security — and most businesses are already well on their way. 

The percentage of businesses storing and running data on traditional servers is set to shrink to 32% by the end of this year, and a lot of that decrease is due to the increase in remote employment. Moving to a third-party cloud or software-as-a-service (SaaS) security method can help mitigate many common security risks and eliminate costly downtime.

Let’s learn more about managing cloud-based security.

[Related: How Would Multi-Layer Defense Help Your Company?]

What Is Cloud-Based Security?

It may sound vague, but cloud-based security is actually a tried-and-true way of protecting and hosting computer data. This process stores information on a dedicated server at an outside location rather than on a physical hard drive at your home or business. 

People with the right credentials can then access this information via the internet. For example, when you access a document using Google Docs, you’re hosting with cloud-based security.

The cloud manages information neatly and securely, and you even have around-the-clock IT support access. This makes storing all your business’s private data in the cloud far more reliable than storing it all right in the office.

Why Is Cloud-Based Security Important?

Well, cloud-based security is important because it provides you, your business and your data with the utmost safety and protection. Storing your data at an external location reduces the risk for data loss and cyberattacks, and this decreased downtime can also save you a ton of money in the long run. 

Additionally, with IT support monitoring and automatic software updates, you can access and use your cloud-hosted data quickly and safely at any time.

[Related: How to Protect Your Business From Cyber Threats]

Cloud-Based Security Best Practices

Following these cloud-based security best practices will ensure you’re doing everything you can to keep your data safe.

Create a Solid Policy

Create a cloud-access policy that gives your employees guidelines and expectations for how they should use the cloud and what information they should store on it. 

Verify Account Access

Make sure that only people with the right credentials can access the cloud.

Vet Potential Providers

Make sure your cloud security source is viable and vetted. When your cloud security source is well-known and verified, you can rest assured that you have maximum security.

Deploy Authentication Tactics

Use enhanced authentication security tactics, such as multi-factor authentication, for cloud access whenever possible.

Apply Encryption

Encrypt data as you transfer it from one place to another, as well as once it’s at rest in the cloud.

[Related: 6 Signs Your Business Has Been Hacked]

Work With CMIT Solutions

Although traditional, in-house IT security teams can oversee some cloud security issues, hiring a team like CMIT Solutions of Bothell gives you and your business peace of mind. We provide expert service and fully manage your cloud-based security.

CMIT Solutions is a full-service IT support company with expertise in protecting your confidential data. From network security and IT procurement to cloud hosting and data protection and backup, you’re sure to find a service that fits your needs. 

Contact us today, and let’s get started!


Featured image via Pexels


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