Attorney Robert Getz Says CMIT Solutions of Everett Helps His Firm Serve Clients More Quickly, Efficiently, and Securely
That’s because Getz never has to worry about his computers, data, and security anymore. He always has access to important documents and email while his clients are reassured that their personal information is safeguarded.
That wasn’t always the case. Outages have cost him time, money, and client goodwill.
“What I’ve noticed over the years that I’ve practiced is that as technology has increased, everybody expects more immediate responses. Where before you used to have couriers run documents back and forth, then you got it by fax, now you get everything by email,” Getz says.
“I face a lot of deadlines, and I send things to people via email. If I don’t get their review of it, I can’t move forward and I can’t meet deadlines. And if my client is out of luck because I missed a deadline, I’m out of luck. I’m not going to keep that client.”
Getz was already taking steps to back up his data, but he still suffered from server outages, and the IT company he used functioned on a “break-fix” model that responded only when something went wrong.
“I have staff who would have their computer have to reboot repeatedly, and we were losing productivity,” he says. Getz does most of his marketing online, and when his server crashed, he lost not just the ability to communicate with clients but the tools he needed to attract new ones.
A fellow attorney suggested he call CMIT Solutions of Everett and owners John and Sue Smythe, who overhauled his entire technology system and installed the popular Marathon Plus monitoring system and Guardian Plus disaster protection service. They’ve functioned beautifully.
Getz Points to Three Big Benefits:
1) No downtime. Marathon Plus provides 24/7 monitoring, a fully staffed help desk; on-site support if needed; and regular maintenance, ensuring optimum performance and prevention of problems—like good preventative care for your body.
“Technology should be a tool, and you always need to keep your tools sharp, and that means that you don’t wait for them to break,” Getz says. “You keep them fixed. Anything that prevents downtime increases productivity and puts me ahead.”
Now, Marathon Plus quickly spots and fixes potential server problems. Early one recent morning, Getz wanted to send an email but had trouble logging onto his email server. By the time he contacted CMIT Solutions, Marathon Plus had already fixed the problem. It had seen the bug and squished it without Getz having to lift a finger.
2) More secure backup. Getz also subscribed to CMIT’s Guardian Plus data protection plan, which provides on-site backup for the primary server and remote backup if something catastrophic, like a flood or fire, wipes out the firm’s data. He pointed to the experience of law firms in New Orleans that lost all their data during Hurricane Katrina and either had to start over or shut down.
3) Better access. CMIT Solutions of Everett set up remote access for Getz, allowing him to access records and email from his home computer, laptop, or Android, allowing him to respond to clients more quickly than ever.
In all, Getz counts hiring CMIT Solutions among the best business decisions he’s ever made, especially since he’s not the most technologically proficient guy in his field.
“I most strongly recommend the services provided by CMIT Everett, because they’re reasonably priced, very responsive, and let me practice law and not try to learn computers,” Getz says.
John and Sue Smythe recently won two of CMIT Solutions’ top awards and were the first inductees into the new CMIT Solutions Hall of Fame. Want to enlist Hall of Fame-caliber managed IT solutions to handle your small business technology? Visit CMIT Solutions of Everett at and the main CMIT Solutions site at