Top 10 of 2017—CMIT Solutions’ Most Popular QuickTips of the Year

With 2017 on its way out and 2018 right around the corner, we thought we’d take a step back and assess the 52 QuickTips published last year. What a busy 12 months it was, too—data breaches and ransomware attacks galore, interspersed with promising cybersecurity developments, new technology releases, efficiency-enhancing productivity improvements, and good IT news alike.

Taking a look at CMIT Solutions’ top 10 QuickTips, we see representatives from each of those categories: our article about the Equifax breach was by far the most popular of the year, along with warnings about WannaCry and how hackers can steal your information via auto-fill. Between those alarms, however, were practical, useful tips about Microsoft Office, mastering the art of the PDF, and five ways to speed up your computer—something all of us can put to use.

Enjoy the following recap of 2017’s best QuickTips and we’ll see you in 2018 with all the promise and potential of a new year on the horizon:








Last week, Equifax, one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies in the United States, reported that a massive data breach exposed the Social Security numbers… (READ MORE)

The way the modern office operates has changed significantly in the last few years, but one thing remains the same: email represents the lifeblood of communication… (READ MORE)

The new year is in full swing and everyone is motivated to work hard after persevering through the post-holiday lull. But as you race from task to task trying to knock out that to-do list before 5:00 PM… (READ MORE)

In today’s fast-paced digital age, it’s almost required that we work more efficiently while utilizing technology to solve complicated problems. And no computer program does a better job of that than Microsoft Excel… (READ MORE)

The official beginning of summer is still two weeks away, but with Memorial Day in the rearview mirror and most schools finished up for the season, summer is informally in full swing… (READ MORE)

Browser auto-fill is one of the most convenient modern Internet features. Popular browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox save computer users time… (READ MORE)

When it comes to word processing, Microsoft Word is the gold standard. As part of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, more than one billion computer users rely on the program every day… (READ MORE)

The PDF, or portable document format, is a beautiful thing. No matter what kind of laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or operating system you use, it works… (READ MORE)

wannacry screen demanding ransomware payment

The most extensive ransomware attack in history spread around the globe over the weekend. Utilizing a Microsoft Windows vulnerability and the malicious software meant to exploit it… (READ MORE)

Last week, less than a month after the WannaCry ransomware attack infected more than 250,000 computers in 150 countries, security experts announced new revelations about a new attack… (READ MORE)

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