The Best Tech Gadgets for Summer Travel

As you pack your bag for your next adventure, here are some ultra neat-o tech gadgets that will make your travels even more enjoyable!

Versatility to the Max

Spiderpodium Nowadays EVERYthing seems to revolve around some form of a handheld electronic…If you’re going to take technology EVERYwhere you go, be sure you are getting the most of it with the Spiderpodium dock and podium. It’s the universal multi-purpose, gadget grip, holster, dock and display podium which is compatible with most all compact handheld devices including smartphones, portable phones, portable movie players, mp3/4 players, gaming systems, GPS, camcorders, portable projectors, compact cameras, e-readers, and pretty much anything else as well.

Wet ‘n Wild

Liquid Image Explorer and SCUBA Video Masks Swim, snorkel, SCUBA, and shoot video all without having to drag extra equipment in tow! Base Model 301 video swim masks start at $49, or upgrade your hardware to the Model 304 and get VGA Video-640×480 at 30fps –for $99. They make two versions designed for SCUBA as well. All Wide Angle SCUBA series accommodates dives of up to 130ft/40m deep. Models 318 and 319 offer 720P HD video and Models 324 and 325 boast 1080P HD recordings!

Waterbuoy Never lose anything overboard again!!! Clip a Waterbouy to just about anything under 2.2 lbs and eliminate your hydro-phobia. The patented trigger mechanism activates seconds after your beloved valuable is submersed and will quickly float to the surface before it has too long to drift away in underwater currents. It is the world’s strongest mini-flotation device, not to mention that it is visible at night and will float for 24 hours! Use it to protect your keys, fishing tackle, tools, cameras, phones, and radios whenever you’re out on the water. 

Portable Power

With all the electronics you have stuffed in your bag, you better make sure you have enough juice to power those bad boys! The pocket-sized Power Monkey charger can keep all portable electronics up to 5.5 volts running strong. It has a huge power reserve and will hold its charge for up to a year!

Need a little more power for your tablet? The Power Monkey eXtreme is right up your alley. The eXtreme’s large-capacity lithium battery can charge your phone or tablet multiple times and even has enough oomph to charge two devices simultaneously. While both charges include adaptor plugs for recharging in 150 countries, only the eXtreme offers a waterproof, rubberized exterior with buttonless swipe controls. 

Travel at the Speed of Sound

Jawbone Jambox™ Surround yourself with stunning hi-fi audio in a portable wireless speaker so compact you won’t believe it when you hear it. JAMBOX is like nothing else you’ve ever heard…this ultra-small dome speaker has the ability to produce rich sound through extreme high (tweeter) and low (woofer) frequencies all enclosed in a wireless package that fits in the palm of your hand. And it gets better every time you use it. Jambox’s integrated intelligence allows you to personalize it to your specific preferences and it gets smarter every time you listen. No more cords, docks, or hassles—it’s always ready to go.

Have safe and fun summer travels!


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